Sunday, November 21, 2010

Whoremaster: Girl's general jobs

You can assign jobs to each girl you control and who is not in your dungeon. You can assign a job for the night and a job for the day. Jobs are regrouped by types General, Brothel, Gambling Hall and Bar. Here are the jobs you can assign in the general category:

Free Time
First, she rests. This greatly reduces her tiredness and increase her happiness. She will recover health and mana and a bit of libido. After this, she will often go shopping. It can be any item but she will buy a weapon or an armor only if she is an adventurer, assassin or she is good in combat.

If she is a drug addict, she will buy the product before shopping and she will be probably get caught by the matron if one is on shift. The matron will confiscate the drug then.

Train skills
She will try to improve her skills. If no other girl is training in her house during this shift, training is hard and often unproductive. The rest of the time, a random stat will be raised.

If several girls are training at the same time, they form groups of 4. Each girl will try to get experience from the best girl in up to 3 stats. The greater the difference between the master and the pupil, the more efficient the training will be.

She will clean the house for 25 gold. This will reduce the filth that make you loose customers. The higher her service stat the more filth is cleaned.

Doing this job may increase her Service stat.

She will prevent the working girls from being raped for 70 gold. She makes the place secure with her combat, magic and service stats. Once the perpetrators are spotted, a classical combat will occurs. Here the traits that have an influence on the security provided:
  • ++++ Assassin
  • +++  Incorporial
  • ++ Psychic, Demon
  • + Fleet of Foot, Charming, Cool Person, Adventurer, Aggressive, Sadistic, Merciless, Fearless, Iron Will,Construct, Not Human, Strange Eyes, Lolita
  • -  Nerd, Tsundere, Twisted, Broken Will, Meek, Clumsy, Dependant
  • --  Nymphomaniac
  • ---- Mind Fucked
Doing this job may increase her Combat stat and may give her Tough, Adventurer, Aggressive traits.

Each house has an advertising budget to attract extra customers. This job will multiply this advertising budget efficiency for 70 gold. Here the factors that have an influence on the advertising :

  • +++ Service stat
  • ++ Charisma stat,  Intelligence stat
  • + Beauty stat, Confidence stat, Fame stat, Psychic, Cool Person, Sexy Air, Charismatic, Charming
  • - Nervous, Clumsy
  • --- Retarded, Malformed     

Doing this job may increase her Service stat.

The girl will take care of the other girls:
  • She will put them on rest if they are tired or have bad health.
  • Once they are better, she will put them back at their previous work.
  • She heals a bit girls with low health.
  • She will cheer-up a bit girls with low morale.
  • She sometimes prevents girls to escape.
  • She can catch a girl who has bought drugs and confiscate the product.
  • She makes the girls more obedient.
Her wages depends on her service stat.
Doing this job may increase her Service stat and may give her Charismatic or Psychic traits.

She will torture the peoples in your dungeon for 65 gold. Each torture will remove happiness, confidence, tiredness, spirit and love and will increase obedience, hate and fear to the victim. If the torturer's hand is too heavy health is lost and constitution and BDSM are earned. The victim may acquire Broken Will, Masochist or Mind Fucked traits.

Doing this job may increase her BDSM stat and may give her Sadistic or Merciless traits.

Explore catacombs
She will explore the catacombs. She will fight monster and can came back with monster girls and gold. If she is defeated she can be raped and inseminated by monsters.

Doing this job may increase her Combat stat and Magic stat and may give her Tough, Adventurer, Aggressive traits.

Beast capture
She will try to capture beasts for 75 gold. If she win a combat, she will get back with 2 beasts if she wins and only one if she loses.

Doing this job may increase her Combat stat and Magic stat may give her Tough, Adventurer, Aggressive traits.

Beast care
She will grow the beast livestock for 65 gold. This will add 2 beast to the house livestock but there is always a small chance to loose one beast instead.

Doing this job may increase her Service stat and can be very positive for her Bestiality stat.

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